Baxter Codeworks

ExpTraxx Expense Tracking and Reporting

Expense Traxx - Expense Tracking and Reporting

Expense Traxx is a software system for tracking and reporting four different kinds of expenses:

The Expense Traxx system is composed of four parts:

  1. The PC program for entering and managing your expenses. You can print detailed reports of your expenses for submission to others or for archival purposes.

  2. An Access database on the PC.  You do not have to own MS Access in order to use ExpTraxx.  The program uses the built-in Windows database drivers to access the data.


  1. A program for the Palm Pilot (Palm OS) to allow you to enter and track your expenses while on the go.

  2. A Conduit  (plug-in) for synchronizing (HotSync).

    • Uploads expenses entered on the Palm and inserts them into the database.

    • Downloads configuration changes such as Categories from the PC to the Palm.


Download now: (~1.8meg).  30-day, fully functional trial.

Purchase ExpTraxx for only US$25 (single user license) at Kagi.
Site licenses also available.  For more than 10 users, please contact us directly for pricing.

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