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BioCruise Data Collector

BioCruise Data Collector for the Palm Pilot is a software system for collecting Biomass, biological or other types of data (like fire hazard or disease) for Forest Inventory, Biological Assessments, Natural Resource Surveys, and the like. The BioCruise Data Collector system is available without modification starting at $100 for a single user.

The system has been designed in very modular fashion to allow easy customization. We can add new fields, tables, change names and attributes, even change the basic operation. We can easily change it from collecting data about natural resources to any other type of business - yard or field inventory (any sort of resource inventory), sales or delivery routes, Real Estate, Market Surveys, Meeting Management, General Inventory (Pick, PutAway, and CycleCount), and many more. With modest cost, the system can be modified so that any type of field data can be collected and managed. Describe what it is you want, we'll give you a no-obligation price.

For more information (or to order): Contact me:


Need a ruggedized Palm?  Run BioCruise on the Meazura by Aceeca.  We can also write you a custom Forest Cruise program for a complete field solution.

The BioCruise Data Collector System is composed of three parts:

  1. MS Access database on the PC. This database has been specially configured to allow easy customization - add tables, relationships, and even fields to existing tables without affecting the BioCruise system. ODBC and Stored Procedures have been used to allow portability to other versions or brands of database. The BioCruise system can even be integrated into existing, larger systems.

  2. Conduit for synchronizing (HotSync)

  3. BioCruise - a program for the Palm Pilot as described below.

BioCruise for the Palm Pilot:

From the Select Tract screen, select a preloaded or previously entered tract to survey. When adding a new Tract to the list, only the TractID and areas are required.

The Current Tract screen lets you edit the Desc, Cruised by, and the Date. If a date is not entered, it will default to Today. When adding a new Sample Point, only the Sample Point ID is required. If a grid location is entered, it must be unique for this TractID.

Select the Sample Point you wish to collect data for.

Desc, and Terrain may be edited. Select an item to edit that data. BM New allows you to enter Biomass data, EC New allows entering other kinds of data.  
This screen is typically used to enter information about Snags, Stumps and Dead-Down. Item ID is generated by the system. You may select Species and CompCode from the drop-down lists, or enter them directly. All fields except Decay Code are required. Diameter must be between 1 and 50. Species and CompCode will be forced to upper case.
CompCode and Species are required (Extent defaults to zero). The Species codes available depend on the CompCode Selected. The CompCode/Species entered must be unique for this SamplePoint. Extent may be either Percent or Count (default is Pct). If Percent, valid entry is 0-100.  

For more information (or to order):  Contact me:
